Dr. Warren Holmes is a Principal Engineer who specializes in detectors, electronics and cryogenic engineering for flight instruments. He led the Superconducting Devices Group and now focuses on project work. He was one of the Gruber Prize recipients in 2018 for participation in the Planck mission. Currently, he leads the delivery of the detector and cryogenic electronics system for Euclid and participates in development of concepts for future cryogenic instruments.
The Cosmic Microwave Background is our most ancient image of our universe – a thermal afterglow of the Big Bang with subtle variations in intensity and polarization. These patterns have allowed physicists to measure...
The European Space Agency (ESA) Herschel and Planck missions were launched in 2009 and have provided numerous discoveries to the science community. MDL devices for these missions have made significant...
Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) were developed at Caltech and JPL in the early 2000s. Detectors like these enable further and more detailed studies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)...
Optical Lumped Element (OLE) Microwave Kinetic Induction Detector (MKID) arrays use superconductors to enable simultaneous single photon counting and energy resolution. Each pixel is composed of a tuned inductor...
First demonstrated in 2012, a breakthrough in superconducting parametric amplifier (paramp) design at JPL offers the promise of near-quantum-limited noise temperature with more than ½ octave of bandwidth...
Far-infrared spectroscopy can reveal secrets of galactic evolution and heavy-element enrichment throughout cosmic time and astronomers worldwide are designing cryogenic far-IR space telescopes. The most challenging...
Submillimeter heterodyne spectroscopy has proven to be an incredibly powerful technique in determining local chemical, physical and dynamical processes remotely imaged by ground based and space based radio...
MDL is developing kinetic inductance bolometer (KIB) arrays based on the high temperature superconductor Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide (YBCO). These KIBs are intended for application to an IR Fourier transform...
Magnesium diboride (MgB2) is a simple metallic compound discovered in 2001 to be superconducting. Ultrathin films (5-20 nm) of MgB2 with characteristics similar to those in the bulk have been achieved...
MDL continues to leverage its decades of experience with superconducting sensors by teaming with D-Wave Systems Inc. to advance adiabatic quantum computation. The successful collaboration between D-Wave...